Athens Oconee Audiology


1360 Caduceus Way
Bldg 200, Ste 101
Watkinsville, GA 30677

You’ve started to ask your self, “Do I need a hearing aid?” and friends and family are kindly and frequently suggesting that maybe its time to get your hearing tested.

Hearing QuizHearing loss is not typically something that happens overnight. Rarely does anyone wake up thinking, “I need a hearing aid today.” Oftentimes the person with the hearing problem is the last one to become aware that a problem exists.

The questionnaire below (Hearing Handicap Inventory Screening Questionnaire for Adults) has been around for 30 years. It has been proven to be an excellent way for anyone to determine if they may or may not be having a hearing problem.

This quiz is for informational purposes only. It does not constitute a diagnosis and does not replace a comprehensive evaluation by an audiologist.

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